The Supreme
Colloidal Silver


What is PII?
PII is selling the Best and most efficacious 5-7 ppm Ionic Colloidal Silver Machine World Wide. An updated website is in the works. The CollGen2 is the finest design of the late inventor Fred Peschel. This machine will make 100's of gallons of stable verifiable ICS for literally under a dollar per gallon. Many of Fred's customers generate ICS for an extra income.
Call 208-232-0403 Mon-Sat 10:00am - 6:00pm MST
Fred Peschel PII ionic colloidal silver water mach
What is PII?

PII is selling the Best and most efficacious 5-7 ppm Ionic Colloidal Silver Machine World Wide. An updated website is in the works. The CollGen2 is the finest design of the late inventor Fred Peschel. This machine will make 100's of gallons of stable verifiable ICS for literally under a dollar per gallon. Many of Fred's customers generate ICS for an extra income.

Call 208-232-0403 Mon-Sat 10:00am - 6:00pm MST

Chad and Linda Covert


Chad and I are former customers of PII.   Fred Peschel would spend hours on the phone, educating and helping people.  His passion was to distribute the CollGen2® to as many people as he could.  He designed and manufactured larger units, but at this time, we are continuing his mission, getting this generator out around the world, to people who understand the science.  The generator produces a 5-7 ppm ionic colloidal silver that is scientifically verified and evident.  

Fred Peshel invented, built and sold several of the CollGen larger generators to NASA.  We are the only Colloidal Silver Generator world-wide with that claim to fame.

We are going to keep Fred Peschel's website online, since he was the scientist and inventor.  We Greatly appreciate Testimonials!  please forward them to 

Fred wrote about himself below.

We will continue to keep the CollGen2® at a modest price and also offer great customer service.  This machine has become our mission.

The CollGen2® is manufactured and produced in Idaho, USA.  We support our troops by employing veterans.  Pii also employs and supports Disabled Workers.

Blessings to you,

Chad and Linda Covert


Fred Peschel

FredFred Peschel was the owner and CEO of PII Distributing. Essentially, he was the company. Fred designed and built, along with his staff, the Colloidal Silver generators purchased by many companies and individuals around the world. He also maintained a thriving online business via the many websites he built and maintained.

PII has manufactured custom electronic equipment for 40 years for research, manufacturing and the military, including power supplies for medical X-ray equipment, Atomic fission research, space TWT transmitters, and thousands of others. Since most orders were for custom solutions and required on-site visits for engineering design reviews, we gained broad experience in many research and medical fields.

This engineering and electronic background has been applied to produce what we feel is the best and most economic generator of a true colloid of silver. The quality is clearly indicated by the stability of product produced, I.E. it lasts for years not weeks as many others do. Operation is fully automatic and includes digital readout of PPM! To see full specifications click on Product Data.

Mr. Peschel, as the principle engineer for over 30 years, contributed to the development of many innovative solutions in the high voltage electronic and medical fields. These ran from such oddities as lightning simulators for testing cattle death from nearby strikes to  high voltage sausage casing perforators and short circuit protected 250,000 watt CO2 laser power supplies for welding at GM.

He designed and built an improved TENS (transcuteneous electrical neurological stimulator) unit as a joint venture with a chiropractor, a novel High Voltage electronic tester for detecting minute leaks in IV solution bottles for Pfizer Medical, etc.     

An early heart attack at age 55 and nearly dying in the hospital from defective equipment and administration of the wrong medicine fed my desire to take control of my own health. They not only had a defective alarm on the bed but also in the bathroom and no one was monitoring my heart monitor, as I became convulsive!

Thus, the development of our colloidal silver generator (the best antibiotic by far) and continued study and investigation into alternative medicine. We may develop more equipment but for now hope to spread the word about the easy route to curing and preventing illness without all that hype and intervention by doctors and others bent on treating BUT not curing.

It is our firm belief that regardless of outside help we always cure ourselves! Read some of my true experiences and the simple logic becomes very clear. Click on faith healing to see the best example of the use of logic to prove the ability we have to cure ourselves,or Cure Back Problems to see how mind control (or training you brain)can solve a lingering problem.

As with anything, simple logic is the best path to the truth!


Contact PII-Peschel Distributing


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